The secret of the long manicure

Natural nail strengtheners
There is nothing more annoying than that our nails to break, chip, to be soft and weak and not be able to grow up into a nice longer manicure.
The nail strengtheners are a valuable ally against the brittle nails. In addition to these, which we can buy from the market, however, there also are natural nourishing ingredients that can help a lot in this particular case.
The rubbing of natural oils in the base of the nails, for example, is an important procedure that moisturizes, nourishes and strengthens the nails.
Most suitable for this purpose are the sesame, olive, castor, rice and almond oil.
Warm (check if it is too hot) the oil you have chosen in a bowl and soak your nails in it.
Stay like that for a few minutes. When you remove your hands from the bowl massage the area around the nails. For even better results, you can add a few drops of vitamins A, D or E to the oil.
Anoint your nails with honey! This procedure will further nourish the nail and at the same time will act well if you have inflammations around the nail plate and annoying cuticles. The honey also has a strong antibacterial effect.
Another natural product, easily accessible and very helpful, which will improve the condition of your nails – will strengthen them and make them harder. This miracle product is the lemon.
What you need to do is to rub your fingers with a slice of lemon. Do not do it if you have inflamed cuticles or sliced fingers.
If, however, your nails are too weak, then a store-bought nail strengthener.
Its role is to restore the protein molecule in the horny layer of the nail.
In this way the damaged nails heal and their ends are protected from splitting and destruction. Usually these products are specifically designed for soft and brittle nails.
There are some that give matt color as well as more glossy ones, with which the nails will “shine”.
The nail strengtheners stimulate the growth of the nail, activate the renovation of the protein molecules, improve the density of the horny layer of the nail plate, smooth the roughness and retain the elasticity of the nail.

