Attractive manicure in no time

Hey girls, I realized that you have not polished your nails soon, huh? Then let me hurry to show you a great way to decorate your nails, to which I myself am slightly addicted lately.
We rarely have time to do our manicure at home. Nowadays, we women are very busy with work, domestic responsibilities and the cares for the children. In this busy schedule there is almost no time left for us to care of our appearance. And as modern ladies we have to look perfect at all times – the hair, the makeup, the clothing and of course – the manicure.
In that particular technique I like most that it is super easy to implement and the result is always spectacular and most of all it does not take a lot of our precious time.

To achieve it you will need:
  • two colors of nail polish (I suggest you the combination of GREY and DARK BLUE, because it is really charming)
  • top coat
  • plastic wrap: cut it in 10 small rectangles which then squash into balls
The procedure is elementary, I tell you. First, apply one of the nail polishes – the lighter one. Wait for it to dry well. Then apply the darker one. It however do not wait to dry, but quickly pick up a nylon ball and start touching vigorously with it the second layer, thus forming beautiful ripples on the nail plate.
The idea is all nails to go through the same procedure. Apply the dark polish finger by finger and operate every time with a new nylon ball – yet you have 10, no need to save them. Finally finish with a top coat and you’re done.
Of course, you can experiment with different colors – iridescent or contrast. Last but not least: it is better, above all else, to shape and clean your nails. Broken and not well shaped nails will not look beautiful even with nail polish.

