This Nail Salon Sign Is Unfortunate Proof That Weight Discrimination Is Everywhere

One Memphis nail salon reportedly charges "overweight" customers extra—or refuses to serve them entirely.

One Memphis nail salon has come under fire after a customer reportedly spotted a sign that said "overweight" people would be charged extra for pedicures. "Sorry, but if you are overweight, pedicures will be $45 due to service fees for pedicurists. Thank you!" the signs reads, according to an image uploaded to Facebook. Naturally, people didn't take too kindly to the weight discrimination.
A woman named Deshania Ferguson was the first to draw attention to the sign. She posted a picture of it on Facebook, writing, "Went to get my nails done on Overton Crossing and Frayser Blvd and this is what they have up…so rude."
From there, the sign reached a wider audience. Local news channel WREG covered the incident and investigated the allegations against the salon. The owner of the salon, Rose Nails, reportedly denied ever posting the sign in question. But he did tell reporters that he doesn't service any customer who is "severely overweight." "Nguyen said instead of putting a sign up, he’s decided to just not service someone if they are severely overweight," WREG writes. "He said it’s difficult for technicians to give them pedicures, and he’s had broken chairs in the past, which hurts his bottom line."
Nguyen may have his eye on the bottom line, but let's just call this what it is: weight discrimination. Charging someone more or refusing them service on the basis of race/ethnicity/body type/gender identity/whatever is egregious, unfair, and discriminatory. Unfortunately, this isn't the first time a fashion or beauty company has discriminated against women based on size or weight. (Remember when an online clothing brand faced backlash for marking up the prices on plus-size clothing last summer?) And it may not be the last, either. But that doesn't make this kind of behavior any more acceptable. So if you see it, speak out. Deshania Ferguson did, and just look at the dialogue she's inspired.

